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DePaul University Pieces

DePaul Housing Room Layouts

Room LayoutsSoftware Used: Microsoft Visio

For this project I took the residence hall floorplans for all residence hall rooms on DePaul University's campus and I needed to build a visually appealing representation of these rooms for the general public. These renderings would be used for both print and web use. I built one general floor plan representing every type of room DePaul offers.

Alcohol Awareness Newsletter

Alcohol Awareness NewsletterSoftware Used: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

FEST was coming up on DePaul University's campus and The Residence Hall Council (a student organization) was looking at taking an active role in trying to offer students information about drinking alcohol and the effect's alcohol has. I researched the subject thoroughly designed a piece that fit the organization's style paying specific attention to the graphic appeal it would have on our audience(around 2,500 campus residents).

Barat Campus Housing Brochure

Barat Housing BrochureSoftware Used: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

During my junior year at DePaul, the University acquired the Barat campus. When acquiring the Barat campus, housing services needed to create a supplemental brochure that had all housing information inside of it for Barat Residents.

I worked with a copywriter to create a choesive piece. Photoshop was used to clean up department photos while I did the layout in InDesign.

Belden/Racine Sketch

Belden/Racine SketchSoftware Used: Adobe Photoshop

Belden/Racine was one of the new residence halls opened in 2000. I took a beautiful photo of the building and using Photoshop, I removed the color, slowly replacing some of the greens back into the image. Once completed, we made it a desktop background for housing services.

DePaul Housing Map

DePaul University Housing MapSoftware Used: Adobe Illustrator

While working in the department of housing services at DePaul University, there was a larger number of people asking for a map of just the residence halls. We did not have a map of just the halls so I spent a few weeks building a map that had all of the residence halls listed on it. The map was used in a few publications, on the web and as a handout to visitors as they came into our office.

Housing Handbook CD

DePaul University Housing Handbook CDSoftware Used: Adobe Illustrator

DePaul University's housing services decided that they wanted to do something fun and unique for the student housing handbook. So a team of us decided to use a custom shaped CD.

I researched and found a manufacturer that would build us a house shaped CD and burn them with the content we provided at an affordable price. After finding the company, I worked the dsign around the manufacturers' specifications. This is a copy of the proof of the final approved design. We had 3,000 CD's made and distributed.

Fire Safety Magnet

DePaul University Housing Fire MagnetSoftware Used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Microsoft PowerPoint

During this period of time a lot of residence hall fires were happening around the country and DePaul had a few in the previous year. We decided to design a fire safety piece. This piece would be a magnet that would go around campus on refrigerators. This is a copy of the magnet in a PowerPoint slide that was later posted on the closed circuit cable station on campus informing students to pick up a free magnet as a reminder to be safe using open flames..

No Smoking Sign

No Smoking SignSoftware Used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

This was DePaul University Housing Services first piece in enforcing the no-smoking policy. The residence halls went to a zero tolerance no-smoking policy and we needed to post signs in all halls informing students of the policy.

I created this non-smoking logo using Illustrator. I then imported it into the InDesign piece and had them printed and hung around campus.

No Smoking Door Hanger

No Smoking Door HangerSoftware Used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

In addition to the no-smoking signs posted around campus, Housing Services posted door hanger on all residence hall doors reminding students of the policy.

The no-smoking logo I created soon became a staple reminder and was used in various pieces on campus.

Top 10 Question Poster

Top 10 Question PosterSoftware Used: Adobe InDesign

Students would soon be moving into DePaul University's residence halls and we wanted something that would answer the first ten questions they might have. These were the ten most asked questions in the past. I used DePaul's athletic logo and put together a poster in InDesign that we hung in every room.