Web Sites

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Freelance Work

On the side I have done many freelance jobs and added a few to share.


Dominican University SiteDesign: CSS
Language: PHP, javascript
Agency: The Bullet Group
Platform: WordPress

For The Bullet Group, I do basic web and design work and this site was one in which I was able to work on. The client asked to have a template built for WordPress that would impress current and future clients for the firm Garofalo & Thiersch.

Using CSS, and PHP was able to design that could be managed through WordPress.

Travel Alive

Dominican University SiteDesign: CSS, XHTML
Language: javascript
Host Server : Windows Server 2003
Host Provider: 1&1

The client was looking for a site that would help in marketing their new company and programs they were going to offer. The client was looking for something that would catch the eye and make them stand out from their competition.

Most of the site is coded in HTML and CSS used for style. THe site maintained W3 compliance as well as 503 standards. The client was looking to also have a form coded and have images change at every visit to the site. Which was accomplished using JavaScript.

Dominican University Work

Previously employed as the Webmaster at Dominican University. In addition to maintaining the internet, I also built templates for several sites hosted on the intranet. The following are a few of the designs and template builds for the university.

Dominican University

Dominican University SiteDesign: ASP, ASP.NET, HTML, CSS, XHTML, Flash and RSS (XML)
Language: C#.NET, VisualBasic.NET, vbscript, javascript
Database: Microsoft SQL Server
Host Server : Windows Server 2003

This is the main site for Dominican University. It was originally designed and built by Purple Monkey Studios, Inc.

Upon my arrival at Dominican, I found several errors that affected the flow of the site. During my first few months, I repaired the broken links, cleaned up the coding and began to build new pages into the current design. The site currently has over 10,000 pages on it and it continues to grow.

Most of the site is driven through a SQL server database and coded in ASP. I have begun to code the new pages in ASP.NET and to expand the CSS templates. I continue to keep W3 compliance as well as 503 standards.

Dominican University :: ICAN (admission site)

Dominican University ICAN SiteDesign: ASP, ASP.NET, CSS, XHTML, Flash
Language: vbscript, C#.NET
Database: Microsoft SQL Server
Host Server : Windows Server 2003

The ICAN site is the admissions site for Dominican University as well as one of the first projects I worked on when I came to Dominican University.

Purple Monkey Studios, Inc. built and designed the site and I helped manage the project. Once the initial build and launch was complete, Purple Monkey Studios, Inc. released the site to us. I have continued to keep the site up to date and have added many new features such as the dean's blog and the scholarship calculator to the site.

Everything on this site was either built in ASP.NET or XHTML. The databases are driven through SQL server which I keep updated on a regular basis.

Dominican University :: Service Learning

Service LearningDesign: ASP, CSS, XHTML
Language: vbscript
Host Server : Windows Server 2003

Dominican University's Service Learning department was looking to redesign there site and make a stronger web presence. They were looking for something that would grab the younger crowds attention.

I worked through many designs and using the ICAN site colors I made a site that related to the younger audience using XHTML and CSS. The site is all XHTML, CSS, 508 Compliant and meets the standards of the university.

Dominican University :: Rosary College Departments

Rosary College of Arts & Science MajorsDesign: ASP, CSS, XHTML
Language: vbscript
Host Server : Windows Server 2003

Dominican University has many undergraduate programs under Rosary College and needed a way for incoming students, as well as current students, to be able to find a one stop information host on the web.

I worked with a team that met with the Dean of the college as well as the chairs of each school within Rosary College. Based on the initial meetings, I designed a site that carried the look and feel of the ICAN site but fit Rosary College more appropriately.

Once the design was approved, I managed a student worker who flowed in the content that is currently held on the pages. The site is all XHTML and CSS compliant and meets the needs of the different schools within Rosary College.

Dominican University Summer School

Dominican University Summer SchoolDesign: ASP, CSS, XHTML
Language: vbscript
Host Server : Windows Server 2003

The previous summer school site for Dominican University was out of date and they needed a new, fun and clean look that fit into the theme for summer school.

Working with a co-worker to get the photos taken, I was able to build a template and site that fit the theme for summer classes. The site is fully XHTML and CSS compliant and is easily adaptable to flow in the content for next year.

Dominican University Orientation (splash screen)

Dominican University Summer Orientation Splash PageDesign: ASP, CSS, XHTML
Host Server : Windows Server 2003

With the growth of Dominican University there were more summer orientation sessions for students. The department needed a one stop landing page for students to go to and follow a link to their specific category (i.e. Freshman/Transfer Student) that already existed on the Dominican site.

The client had a logo that did not easily fit into the Dominican University design yet they wanted the logo to stand out. So I built a landing page that made the logo pop out and washed out some clouds in the background to keep with their theme. The three links to the Dominican Site were then added in CSS. The entire page is XHTML and CSS W3 compliant.

Dominican University Photo Gallery

Dominican University Photo GalleryDesign: ASP.NET, CSS, XHTML
Language: C#.NET
Database: Microsoft SQL Server
Host Server : Windows Server 2003

The Office of Marketing and Communications had a difficult photo organization system when I began working for them. I took on the task to build an easier solution for the department.

I met with everyone in the department who would be using the photo gallery and took everyone's needs into consideration. I then built a plan and screen designs that would help to present my idea to the department. The department approved the design and I began building the gallery.

The gallery was built in Visual Studio.NET 2003 using the C# language and SQL server in the back end. The gallery now hosts over 20,000 photos has made the process of locating photos much smoother.

Dominican University PDF Sites

The following sites were sites I built for Dominican University internal clients. The sites were built and released to the specific department on no-maintenance terms. Below you will find a PDF of the original completed site as it was handed over to the client. Also included are links to the current site location which includes all client-made changes.

University Ministry

University Ministry SiteDesign: ASP, CSS, XHTML
Language: vbscript
Current Site: http://domin.dom.edu/depts/ministry/index.asp

The University Ministry department at Dominican University met with our office and asked that we make their department more visible to the students through the use of the web.

We began with the department having one inclusive page on the Internet. Soon the project expanded and we built a site on the Intranet that would be accessible through the internet home page.

We built them a template that fit their department style. The template needed to be easily maintainable by the user, XHTML and CSS compliant.

Campus Activities

Campus Activities SiteDesign: ASP, CSS, XHTML
Language: vbscript

From the initial meeting with campus activities, it was apparent that they were looking for a strong web presence. They wanted their site to be hosted on the Intranet but accessible through the Internet. We used the same template as used for University Ministry but changed the color and minor design aspects.

The template was built to fit their department style and the template was built to be easily updated by someone within their department. The template is XHTML and CSS compliant.

Live Sites

The following sites were done either for personal use or for freelance jobs. Not only were these sites designed and built by me but some are still maintained by myself as well.

Mark Jourdan.COM

Mark Jourdan.COM WebsiteDesign: ASP, CSS, XHTML
Language: vbscript
Database: Microsoft Access
Host Server : Windows Server 2003
Host Provider: 1&1

I needed a place to make my personal web presence and a place to test out new web techniques. There was no better way to do that than build my own web site. I rebuild my site about once a year and am constantly using it as a test page for new techniques.

I recently built this page using XHTML and CSS. I wanted to try and build a page that was completely designed using CSS and without the standard tables. The site continues to grow with time. The page is fully XHTML, CSS and 508 compliant.

Trent And Laura's Wedding

Trent & Laura Wedding SiteDesign: ASP, CSS, XHTML
Language: vbscript
Database: Microsoft Access
Host Server : Windows Server 2003
Host Provider: 1&1

A few months before her wedding, a friend was looking for a common place to post info regarding her wedding. I offered my services and built a web site that followed the theme of her wedding. It was a one stop place to find everything wedding related.

The site needed to be complete before the wedding invitations were mailed so I built the site in about two weeks with everything she needed to make that deadline. I continued to work with the client as information was updated and the wedding approached.

She requested two dynamic features, a guest book and rotating quotations. Through Microsoft Access I was able to implement both the guest book and the rotating pages into the design. The page is fully XHTML and CSS W3 Compliant.

DePaul Voice for the Animals

DePaul Voice for the Animals WebsiteDesign: XHTML, CSS
Host Server : Linux
Host Provider: DePaul Server

As a student at DePaul University I belonged to a student organization that helped homeless dogs. The group did so much for the Chicago community that I wanted to build a site to help increase membership as well as increase awareness of what the organization could do. The site was built for guests and members to view what we do, when we do it and provide the opportunity to get involved.

The site was built to be XHTML and CSS compliant. The site is still on DePaul's Server however not kept up to date by the current membership because they lost there Webmaster.

Archived PDF Sites

The following sites were sites that I once maintained or built for an end user that I no longer maintain. I created a PDF showing you what the original build looked like. I placed a link to the current site where you can see where the department has taken the site today.

Housing Services

DePaul University :: Housing Services SiteDesign: ASP, ASP.NET, CSS, Flash
Language: vbscript, VisualBasic.NET
Database: Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access
Host Server : Windows Server 2000
Current Site: http://housing.depaul.edu

While I was a student at DePaul University I worked in the housing department as their webmaster. When I arrived the site was out of date and did not contain all the information they wanted available for the students.

I spent approximately three months building a site using ASP and CSS. The site needed to fit into the similar style and guidelines that DePaul previously set. The site was split into four sections making it easy to find the information the user was looking for. I later expanded the site and we used ASP.NET with SQL Server to make the site more user friendly.